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Phishing Simulation

The phishing test with a bite.

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Expose Vulnerabilities, Build Resilience, Fortify Your Defense

Are hackers entering your organization through employees? Respond immediately. Gain control with C-Soteria's Phish Test, a simulated attack that exposes your company's vulnerabilities.

Our cleverly created phishing emails will test your workers and identify which divisions and people are most susceptible to our schemes. Using this knowledge, you may customize security awareness training to fill skill gaps and promote cyber security.

Using C-Soteria yields results.

Track click rates, reaction patterns, and awareness progress to stay ahead of shifting dangers. Avoid risking your company's fate by investing in impregnable security. Conduct a C-Soteria Phish Test now to start building an impenetrable human firewall.

​How would this benefit you?

Go beyond compliance. We help you identify and plug critical security gaps, implement robust controls, and build a bulletproof security framework that surpasses ISO 27001 requirements. Sleep soundly knowing your data is truly protected

Targeted Training


Shift from reactive to proactive security. Regular phishing simulations keep employees alert and prepared to recognize real-world attacks, reducing the likelihood of successful breaches and minimizing potential damages.

Proactive Defense


Minimize financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. By strengthening your human firewall through awareness and training, you significantly lower the chances of successful attacks, protecting sensitive data, customer trust, and your brand's reputation.

Reduced Risk


Track progress and demonstrate ROI. Comprehensive reporting tracks click rates, response patterns, and overall awareness levels over time, providing tangible evidence of training effectiveness and areas for further improvement.

Measurable Improvement



Blind Spots Got You Worried?
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